Iceland subglacial Volcanoes interdisciplinary early warning system

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2001-2010 2001-2010 Glaciology part of the GLOWA-Danube Project (PI Prof. W. Mauser, Univ. of Munich) in cooperation with Prof. M. Kuhn, Univ. of Innsbruck and Dr. M. Weber, Commission for Glaciology, Munich
2002-2005 DFG-Project BR1622/6-1 Assessment of snow and ice resources in the source area of Syrdarja River basin and their response to possible climate change
2000-2003 DFG-Project BR1622/5-3 Effect of glacier retreat on water yield from high mountain areas, comparison Alps – Central Asia
1998-2002 DFG-Project BR1622/3-3 Meltwater production and glacial runoff at Vernagtferner after considerable mass losses, HyMEX98 and HyMEX2000
1995-1997 DFG-Project BR1622/1-1 Structural adaptation of the high alpine gauging station Vernagtbach, Oetztal Alps, to greatly enhanced discharge